Category Archives: 信仰傳承








璧夏於12月25日聖誕節出生,四十天時因種牛痘後患肺炎及嬰兒硬化症没了呼吸,外婆誤以為已死,放炕邊地上。外公下班大驚,策馬飛馳內地會求醫,適逢戴德生(James Hudson Taylor, 1832-1905)次子兒科醫師戴存義(Frederick Howard Taylor, 1862-1946)在。這位45歲的英籍傳道人,當即騎馬趕來,將嬰兒浸入一盆溫水,示範外婆不時以一勺温水出、一勺熱水進,以維持水溫,並用一絲棉花查看嬰兒鼻孔是否出氣兒,最终將她救活。




1928年9月母考上燕京大學醫學預科,1931年入讀北平協和醫學院,1936年6月畢業,獲美國紐約州立大學SUNY醫學博士,有資格在美國紐約州開業行醫。因學業成績連續八年得第一,她榮穫文海獎金(Wenham Prize)並金鑰匙奬,旋即留校任教兼兒科主治醫師。其時,洛克菲勒的外甥施耐德罹患小兒麻痹症,入院協和,經她啓用最新人工鐵肺救治痊愈。出院時施耐德為表感謝,邀她赴美進修三年,並全款代付學費及生活費用,她婉拒了,僅收所贈派克金筆留念。







家父周康耀(1905-1982) 生於南美洲英屬圭亞那,1930年為英國浸信會差派赴華傳道。1936年父亲植堂北平寬街教會,並報備市政府。其時家母在協和進查經班,聽他講道,二人認識相愛。後來協和總務長兼女生學監的三姑光耀,勸她與康耀結婚、助他傳道。

1937年6月30日他們在英國領事館註冊結婚,當時父親要入中國籍,英領事却將璧夏註冊為英籍,或許這是神的美意,因不久即發生 “七七事變”,抗日戰爭爆發。兩月後母親隨父親赴內地傳道,毅然辭去協和醫學院教職,全校轟動。婚後一月他們變賣鋼琴傢具,欲轉道越南河內赴昆明,此時因有英國護照得以通行無阻。英領事館在其護照上注明:“浸信會宣教士,旅行範圍雲南貴州”。入滇後,她在昆明最大的惠滇醫院任兒科醫師,又到曲靖分院任院長,醫病傳道方便。


其時雲南霍亂流行,其三歲長子亦不幸罹患。母親整日在醫院忙著搶救病人,待進家門時,兒已昏迷。只見他兩手上抓,問他:“你要甚麼?”答:“夠不着!天使來接我了!” 父母跪下祈禱:“主啊,你若要接他,我們順服。”

痛失長子後,二舅李溫平開吉普,帶父親遊他主持修建的滇緬公路散心,不料車閘失靈,急劇下滑,父高唱:“再唱信心的歌,無論夜如何黑,你若讃美,神要工作,使你所信能得,使你所信能得!”吉普驟停,此時已有一車輪懸空峭壁。溫平說:“康耀,我們得救了!” 遂出車用石塊墊好三輪,緩緩倒回。我哥曾問:“爸,你是怎麼叫車停下的?” 父答:“就是要信啊!”










1985年我在美國麻省工作,邀母來美。1986年2月10日至20日,母親被里根總統請去白宫參加早餐禱告會。在早餐會上,里根總統說,請Dr Li發言,母親便起立祈禱,提到美國一些大學不許公開讀聖經、離婚率過高、給女中學生發避孕葯作法消極、應積極加强教育,以及早餐會吃得太好但禱告太少等等。她數算美國虧欠神13項,求神引領美國覺醒復興。某宗教領袖拉她坐下,曰不可不敬總統,母親答:“聖靈賜話語,不可不説。”里根總統聽了,説: “很久没有聽到這樣的禱告了!” 便囑咐她也到每個分會場去講。參加早餐禱告會有美國50個州的州長和美國各大學的校長,以及宗教界領袖,里根總統夫人南希、副總統布什及其夫人巴巴拉也在座,母親和他們同桌進早餐。在禱告會上,母親也勸時任白宫主要顧問牧師葛培理(Billy Graham)去中國講道。


1991年1月31日,美國總統布什和他夫人出公證的邀請信,再次請母親赴華盛頓參加總統早餐禱告會,這是她第三次來美國。禱告會後,母親在華府二萬青年奮興會勉勵,又到十四州幾個退修會證道,也傳福音給個人,並再次見到葛培理及夫人Ruth 。她說,Ruth是她的好朋友。





四伯Joe去世,請來四伯母,母親與每天換一個地方傳福音的四伯母Aunt Margaret正好談得來;與其他周家親友也是, 四姑次子Alec和太太Eudora(家族記事作者大律師周雅各的次子明和與海倫),個個都熱心愛主並傳福音,這是周家數代傳統,充滿頌讚詩歌和禱告分享。










【編者按】這是一個有故事的家族,乃是歷史 (History) 的主藉著這一家族顯明祂的作為,祂的故事 (His Story)。而歷史長河中的涓涓溪流,正是一代又一代經歷祂作為、述說祂作為、記錄祂作為的故事所串成;感謝蒙愛姐妹忠實記錄了她父親一生的故事。不但如此,她也曾寫下她祖輩數代的故事,詳見《心版》第28期(2018/12)《數代奇恩:宣教往事》、第29期(2019/12)《神怎樣帶領我祖父大衛》;願這些故事不斷激勵著我們,更緊緊地跟隨主的腳踪前行。所附家譜供參考,以明數代人物之關係。

簡歷身世。 家父周康耀(Charles Henry Ewing Chow)1904.3.18出生於南美洲英屬圭亞那,1982.8.21卒於北京,是鋼琴演奏家、作曲家、獨唱及多聲部歌唱家。在英國浸信會受訓講道後赴華宣教。1930年任上海海關高級職員,1932年北上清華教授音樂,开始從家庭查經到1936年組建北平寬街教堂。1937年與協和畢業留校的李璧夏醫師(Esther Pi-Hsia  Li,Bixia,1909-2005)結婚,婚後即赴內地宣教。1948年在汕頭講道、到福州鼓嶺執事之家奉獻,其時祖父子女五家齊聚香港,他本要接家眷出國,卻為福音缘故再回國。後任上海福音書房音樂編輯,出詩歌本三冊1052首。1956年初教會及福音書房被迫關閉。中央音樂學院鋼琴、管弦两系主任易開基、許勇三派二人接他到中央音樂學院任教,1964年他退休返京。1978年到離世前,任教中國醫科院協和研究生院英文口語。謹此簡記家父身世為人。

幾代信主。曾祖周洛伍牧師 (Luk Wu Chau),探访移民苦力蒙召,富戶高祖將兒獻與主。洛伍赴南美種植園做苦力傳道,在英屬圭亞那喬治敦植堂兩座,勞累早逝。祖父大衛9歲喪父,輟學進姐夫店學商。優銀牧師贈他姓氏(Ewing),班主任Hewlings每晨5時教他,半年讀完8年級,至囑:“無論遇何事,神必領你走過。”12歲因受浸被姐夫逐出,然大衛勤工事主,16歲即被立為教會長老。祖父因信譽卓著亦成企業家,並任英法荷屬圭亞那三國基督教聯合會長,曾奔波三座教堂以雙語講道,深孚眾望。後於中年過勞離世。祖母安梅利(Emily  Leung, 1870-1927)賢德聞名,育八子四女,在子女越洋宣教前後過世,送殯者眾。

幼年顯露音樂天賦 樂遵祖訓赴華植堂


過洋宣教。祖父遺訓 “往普天下去傳福音”。我三伯雅各律師(James,1894-1980)出售家居巨宅及全數糖廠店鋪,資助宣教。1927年四姑美玉先赴華,1930年三姑光耀與家父同船抵滬。協和李宗恩院長聘三姑任後勤總管兼女生學監22年。六叔(宏寶Robert ,1907-1992)離港大醫學院,到燕京大學學國文,隨美國牧師華北內蒙佈道。家父持英國特許會計師執照,任教於會計學院,并受聘上海海關高級職員二年。其間為以純正國語講道,曾交費專門學習華語。後赴清華大學教授音樂,曾與馬思聰等名家同台演出,倍受歡迎。在京時與三姑一起,從家庭查經拓展到植堂,現著名的寬街教會即由家父周康耀、平新我、陶猛於1936年報備北平市始設立。2008年奥運小布什總統訪華,曾到寬街教堂禮拜。

婚後內地傳道   臨危高歌獲救



喜樂順服編輯詩歌   北上中央音樂學院


音樂治療喚醒心靈  幾經危難蒙主保守




持守愛主。我父鍾愛聖經原則。為宣教他三度放棄薪職名望家財:赴華、赴滇、回滬,他只可惜攝影的四鐵箱照片留港失散。1930年任海關高職,卄年後回滬低薪是原薪零頭,他照舊快樂。在職場、教會及家庭遭遇不平順時,他常謙和笑唱:馬馬虎虎嘻嘻哈哈,讓它過去。海外親友為他是音樂家自豪,他是家人寵兒,卻樸素勤勉,自理頭髮及縫補,為我兒親綉中文名贈他毛巾。日常穿著整潔大方,喜烹調做甜點與人共享,惯於訂閱澳洲英文報刊。1966年文革恐怖,從未上學的外婆出租一室打成“房產主”被毆。外婆曾不悦我母新婚辭職隨我父傳道,但外婆被毆臥床四個月,因我母被被關押在醫院挨鬥,只我父一人在家悉心伺候料理,常瞒过红衛兵將雞蛋埋粥碗底餵她。他還技巧地“警示”紅衛兵“不要侮辱”領袖像,讓他們驚悚,說:“快讓這外國老頭走,別碰他!”在那個年代能讓红衛兵收手亦是奇事。當我母因信主在醫院受慘烈逼迫时,他站廚房浴室間對我低聲說:“我去醫院稱她‘李璧夏大夫’,我不改變!”  我就全明白了。




註2. May  I Rest My Weary Soul in Thee, in Thee Alone!《唯在主裡我疲乏靈魂得享安息》,寫於1978年4月首次中風時;Formal Acceptance of God’s Love and Grace as Revealed in His Beloved Son《真確領受神愛子所啓示神的大愛和恩典》,1982年7月寫於病床;Hymn of Joy, Praise, Love and Adoration 《喜樂頌揚摯愛敬拜之歌》,周康耀賦詞作曲於六月,1982年8月21日被主接去。

作者簡介:屬愛主團契 責任編輯:陳一萍








英國西南部康沃爾有個小鎮卡米爾福特(3),鎮上有個叫柏撒母耳的男孩。他父親和爺爺都是基督教巡迴傳道。他12歲受洗,從小就夢想成為傳道人。後來因為家庭貧困,柏撒母被迫放棄了做傳道人的理想,17 歲時以全國第三的成績,考取了倫敦郵政銀行公務員。



柏格理遠渡重洋,歷經艱險,終於在1888年進入中國雲南境內。途中,在長江的險灘上,船被撞成了碎片,他僥倖得救。幾年後,他赴昭通(7)負責當地的宣教事宜,在陡峭山路上因不善騎馬,被拋落山澗,差點摔死。 1905年,他應苗族一個分支大花苗的邀請,前往石門坎宣教。



為取得苗人的信賴,柏格理進入苗寨,穿苗服,說苗語,住苗家,與苗人同吃蕎麥粗糧,同宿臭蟲跳蚤成群的麥草堆,曾經在牛棚裡與母牛和牛犢同睡在乾草捆上。他在苗寨裡不騎馬、不坐轎,路上遇到苗民,就像看到長者一樣,總是先讓路,用苗語招呼一聲:“老哥,得罪了。“ 他向苗人傳教、施藥,卻毫無架子。由於與苗人同甘共苦,他不僅被苗人視為老師和醫生,還被他們當成可傾訴、可信賴的貼心人,甚至被苗人稱作“拉蒙”(苗王)。










柏格理常為受欺辱的苗人主持公道,結果成了彝族土司的眼中釘,被他們多次圍攻毒打。一天夜晚,他的住宅被縱火,所有物品焚燒一空。 1907年春天,他在雲南興建石門坎小學的分校時,遭到土目惡徒綁架,受盡酷刑,被救出時已經奄奄一息,只得返回英國療傷。

1910年,柏格理帶著在英國募捐到的兩千英鎊,回到石門坎,建起了一幢石木結構的教學樓,裡面最大的一間,可以供100多名學生同時上課。 1913年,石門坎小學第一批苗族學生畢業,柏格理選派其中的優秀學生到成都繼續學習。這一批小“留學生”從成都畢業後,全部都回到石門坎,成為第一代苗族教師。這個傳統延續下來,一批又一批苗人學生到城市去求學深造,然後返回石門坎教書。以苗教苗,薪火相傳。


僅在石門坎教區,教會興建的學校就有50多所。柏格理曾經說:“哪裡有教堂,哪裡就有學校。”苗族村寨中的教堂和學校常常是同一幢建築,平時做教室,禮拜天變成教堂。他在石門坎傳播基督教的信仰過程和辦教育的過程是完全同步的。從1905到1945年間,這些學校培養了四千多位小學生,數百位初高中生,三十多位大學生和四位碩士博士生。根據1945 年國民政府的文化普查結果,漢族人每 10 萬人中有 2.2 名大學生,而烏蒙山區苗族每 10 萬人中竟然有 10名大學生! “化外蠻荒之地”烏蒙山區,成為“苗族文化復興聖地”,成為海內外學者口中的“西南苗族最高文化區”,這真是奇跡。





柏格理與漢苗教徒同工一起,潛心研究幾個月後,以拉丁字母為基礎,又從花苗衣裙上的花紋和符號中獲得靈感,創立了一套簡明易學的拼音文字。稱為“大花苗文“,後來又稱“老苗文”。柏格理與其他牧師們合作,譯出了老苗文版的《聖經》和讚美詩。苗文《聖經》翻譯出來後,當時在中國找不到一個工廠,可以把大花苗文《聖經》製版印刷出來,甚至在當時工業最發達的上海也不行。最後找到日本橫濱(11),總算印了出來。學校也用苗文來編寫《苗文基礎》和《苗族原始讀物》等教材,還出版了苗文報。後來的苗族人用苗文通信、 記帳,記錄民歌、故事等,從此苗族的傳說、歷史、文化有了現代的載體。






一次,貴州省的楊森(12)司令帶著他的軍人足球隊前來比賽,結果連輸兩場,最後才勉強贏回一場。楊森輸得心服口服。賽後他對自己的隊員說說 :“你們所有人都把鞋脫下來,送給對方的足球隊,你們還有臉穿鞋嗎!”原來石門坎球員沒有鞋穿,都是赤腳踢球。楊森臨走時,硬是要走了四名球員。從此,石門坎足球隊的名聲愈加響亮。後來,石門坎成為貴州省的“足球搖籃”。 1949年後的第一支國家足球隊,就有兩名隊員來自石門坎,那是後話了。












柏格理老師,花苗人忘不了你。今天 是你去世105週年的紀念日,我們懷念你。


  1. 朱煥章— 雲貴川三省交界地區著名教育家。苗族,生於1903年,貴州威寧縣人。
  2. 柏格理—Samuel Pollard (4/24/1864—9/16/1915),英國來華傳教士,創制苗文並極大地影響了苗族的歷史發展。
  3. 卡米爾福特—Camelford, Cornwall, England
  4. 中國內地會—China Inland Mission (CIM),是由英國人戴德生牧師於1865年創辦的超宗派的跨國家的基督教差會組織。
  5. 戴德生—James Hudson Taylor(5/21/1832-6/3/1905),英國基督新教公理宗來華傳教士,中國內地會 (今日的”海外基督使團”)創辦人。
  6. 格物致理—格:推究;致:求得。探究事物原理,從而獲得知識;出自《禮記·大學》:“致知在格物,物格而後知至。”
  7. 昭通—雲南省城市,位於雲南省東北部,地處雲、貴、川三結合部的烏蒙山區腹地。
  8. 土目—土著的首領;土司手下的頭目名為土目。
  9. 蚩尤—上古時代九黎族部落酋長,中國神話中的戰神。原為炎帝臣屬,炎帝被黃帝擊敗後,蚩尤率81個兄弟舉兵與黃帝爭天。
  10. 黃帝—古華夏部落聯盟首領,中國遠古時代華夏民族的共主。五帝之首。被尊為中華“人文初祖”。
  11. 橫濱—日本東京都市圈的重要城市,位於日本關東地方南部。
  12. 楊森—民國時期四川軍閥,川軍著名將領。國民革命軍陸軍二级上將,貴州省主席。
  13. 廣陵散絕—成語,比喻優良傳統斷絕或後繼無人。










一个月前,我们一位在宣教航空使团(MAF)担任宣教飞行员的朋友,在印度尼西亚一次空难中去世。听到这则消息,我们异常震惊和悲哀,脑海中第一个念头是:“真是浪费”。 朋友花了10年的时间装备自己成为传教士,但在印尼服事不到两年就过世了。

朋友去世的消息和她的生活点滴开始在媒体上广为流传,我们也受到提醒,她的一生为基督而活。当全球很多人因她的生命见证得到启发和鼓励时,上帝的荣耀得到彰显。我们内心感受到鞭策,就如同一个女人把昂贵的香膏浇在耶稣的头上,门徒责备她“何用这样的枉费”时,耶稣这样责备他们: “为什么难为这女人呢?她在我身上做的是一件美事(太26:7-10)”。我们有何权利判断,如果她活得更久,她的生命对神的国度会 “更有成效”?朋友的一生都在为基督而活,包括去印尼前装备自己的10年时间,都是献给祂的“美事”。

疫情期间,我们每天辗转在家庭、工作和事工之間,似乎所有的日子都混在一起,经历无休止的 “清洗、过水、重复”。我们等着去日本开始下一个人生阶段,认为那样“生产力”会更高。但圣灵是否正通过朋友的见证提醒我们,过程与目标同等重要?当目光只放在终点,我们常常看不见神不仅自己在做工,也呼召我们在等待中为祂做工。我们不知道神何时为我们打开去日本的门,但可以肯定,我们在这里度过的时光,与在日本度过的时光同等重要。

在非常时期,我们会努力寻找神所定义的 “美事”,感恩祂给我们的每一天、祂的鞭策,和给我们的重新定位。祂让我们看到,每做一件事,每一次与人相交,都是在爱祂、服事祂、敬拜祂,也在平淡之中找到美。神一直在做工,也邀请我们同工。祂提醒我们生命的每一天,都是把“美事”献给祂的机会。



Why This Waste?

by Chris and Emily Cheng

A month ago, one of our friends serving in Indonesia as a missionary pilot with Missionary Aviation Fellowship passed away in a plane crash. The news was a huge shock as grief and sorrow poured over us. One of the first thoughts that came to our minds was, “Why this waste?” Our friend had spent 10 years of her life working towards being a missionary pilot and had not even been in Indonesia for 2 years.

As news of our friend’s death and memories of her life began to circulate widely in the media, we were reminded of how her whole life exemplified a life lived for Christ. We saw God glorified as many around the world were inspired and encouraged by her life testimony. And we felt rebuked, just as Jesus rebuked his disciples for asking the same question when a woman poured expensive perfume on Him. “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me.” (Matt 26:10). What right do we have to judge whether our friend’s life had been wasted? What right do we have to question whether her life would have been more “productive” for God’s kingdom if she had lived longer? Our friend lived her life for Christ, and each day of her life, including the 10 years leading up to Indonesia, had been given to Him as “a beautiful thing”.

As we navigate family, work, and ministry during the pandemic, each day blends with the last as we mindlessly go through cycles of “lather, rinse, and repeat”. We find ourselves waiting to begin the next stage of life in Japan, when we can be more “productive”. But is the Spirit reminding us through our friend’s testimony that the process matters as much as the goal? As we anticipate our destination, we often lose sight of how God is working and calling us to work during the journey. We may not know when God will open the doors to Japan, but surely how we spend our time here in the US means as much to God as how we will spend time in Japan.

And so we find ourselves convicted to look for “beautiful things” as God has defined during these abnormal times. We are thankful for each new day God gives us. We are thankful that God rebukes us and reorients us daily. We are learning to find beauty in the ordinary by seeing how everyday tasks and interactions with people are ways to love, serve, and worship God. We discover beauty as God reminds us that He continues to work and invites us into that work, reminding us that each day of our lives is an opportunity to give back to Him “a beautiful thing”.

Editor note: Chris Cheng is an elder of CBCGB. He and his wife Emily are members of the CrossBridge core leadership team. They are scheduled to be full-time missionaries of Overseas Missions Fellowship (OMF) to Japan at the end of the year. Please pray for their ministry.


文: 陳一萍

編者按:陳一萍師母的《人爲朋友捨命——林才欣的故事》感動了無數讀者。該文在公衆號發表時,出於篇幅的考量,作者做了刪節。讀過原文的同工認爲刪去的部分相當可惜,建議讓它與讀者見面。MAF,英文全稱 Mission Aviation Fellowship,中譯為“航空宣教使命團”。瞭解歷史上MAF的一批批宣教勇士們前仆後繼的故事,我們會更加理解林才欣所做的義無反顧的選擇,同時更加深刻地領會“薪火相傳”的宣教使命。






1956年1月,MAF機長Nate Saint,與他的四個宣教伙伴Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Pete Fleming, 以及Roger Youderian在厄瓜多爾殉道。

MAF 駕駛員 Nate Saint (1923-1956)

他們的故事於2005年被拍成電影《長矛的尖端》(End of the Spear),而Jim Elliot的話: “失去那不能保存的,得著那不能失去的,這人絕非傻子。” (He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.)也正是所有殉道者的寫照。

如同Nate等五名殉道的宣教士們一樣,1968年9月,兩位MAF的宣教士Phil Masters 和 Stan Dale,也在巴布亞為Yali族人所殺;他們的屍首從未被找到,但他們的妻子與各五名子女從未懷恨,反倒繼續福音事工。

宣教士 Phil 一家 。他的妻子 Phyliss 當時正懷著他們的第五個孩子。
宣教士 Phil 在印尼的 Korupun 搭建帳篷


2010年5月,印尼Yali的婦女們身穿傳統服裝慶祝第一本用 Kimyal語翻譯的新約聖經的到來















(06/09/2020, Boston)

责任编辑:潘 澜




5月13日《美國宣教航空使團 MAF》:

5月14日《今日基督教雜誌 CT》:
“作為宣教航空使團(Mission Aviation Fellowship,MAF)的飛行員,林才欣(Joyce Chaisin Lin)當時正在向印尼漫長島鏈最東端的巴布亞省的一個村莊運送快速測試包和學校用品。宣教航空史團布賴德·霍格蘭說,她早6點27分從森塔尼市起飛,兩分鐘後發求救呼叫。警方稱,搜救隊發現她駕駛的科迪亞克100型飛機,墜入附近的森塔尼湖,並在水下約40英尺處打撈出她的遺體。”

林才欣就讀MIT期間,是波士頓郊區華人聖經教會(CBCGB)的會友,結識了一批本教會的同齡人。她回到位於波士頓郊外的戈登康維爾神學院進修時,又認識一些在那裡學習的本教會神學生和教牧同工。以下從與她有故交的CBCGB大家庭成員的諸多紀念文字中選錄幾段,以瞭解些許她的行事為人。神學院老師盧牧師、大學時期好友安琪,路得,和退休的Sandy牧師, 是這樣回憶和紀念她的:

盧牧師:“引錄Jim Elliot的話,紀念Joyce Lin:她並非愚蠢,獻出她所不能保存的,換來她所不能失去的。…她在服事主中獻身。她跟隨了主耶穌基督的腳蹤。期望一代亞裔美國人跟隨她的榜樣,為福音為他人的生命放下自己。”

安琪: “才欣為這一工場的預備中,曾有單一清晰并聚焦訓練為服事主;然而,她仍是如此谦虚而富有同情心和愛心。難怪為她(犧牲)而悲痛的消息,如此廣傳。”

路得:“我一直在反思,才欣一定原已計算過跟隨神呼召的代價。為宣教也為那里住民,去最邊遠難達之地開飛機。就在上週,她寫得多麽充實,飛到新冠病毒蔓延的村莊,運送各村所需的(抗疫)物資和肥皂。… 我感謝神,為我們每個有幸認識你的人,和從我們聽到有關你的事的人,所留下的精神遺產。”

Sandy 牧師記得在MIT學生團契Joyce和Amy姐妹倆的樣子。在負責青年兒童事工中,儘管未曾個人交往,但清楚記得才欣在團契裏深受愛戴和尊敬。











母親節後兩天(2020/5/12)禱告會中傳出Joyce Lin(林才欣)空難殉職的消息。想著這個與自己孩子有著相仿年齡的女孩,本該是成家立業的明日之星,何竟隕落他鄉?想著母親節後失喪女兒的父母,情何以堪?我忍不住探尋她的人生軌跡,查訪她魂牽夢縈的MAF與Papua, 更採訪與她同期神學院畢業的林有洧傳道,寫出她的故事。


Joyce Lin,林才欣,1979年在美國出生,父母年輕時自台灣來美留學,林才欣下有兩個妹妹,她們在敬虔愛主的父母撫養下成長。 初中之前,一直生活在乾燥涼爽的科羅拉多州山上;之後全家搬到馬里蘭州。開始的時候,她還挺不適應那潮濕悶熱的氣候;後來,卻這樣的氣候感謝,因為是主為她預備日後去到熱帶叢林的印尼宣教。

1997年高中畢業後,以優異的成績申請到國防部空軍全額獎學金 (Air Force ROTC),就讀波士頓麻省理工學院(MIT),完成電腦學士與工程碩士學位,並參加我們英文堂聚會,結識了許多同齡人;他們在教會裡結為屬靈夥伴,就像北加州高大挺拔的紅木群、緊密連接、屹立不搖。日後,他們或在教會成為重要同工,或受差成為宣教士,去到偏遠之處作福音先鋒。Joyce Lin是他們中間的一份子,卻又如此與眾不同。


2002年自MIT取得工程碩士後,進入空軍擔任網路安全工程師;退伍之後,進入企業界擔任高級主管。2008年蒙神呼召,放棄高薪,進入戈登康威爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)就讀道學碩士科(Master of Divinity)。該科畢業生,或成為牧師,或成為一般宣教士;她卻對兩者都無興趣。


2009年,一日她返家探望父母,正準備進房打包行李,以便次日返校,突然一巨大聲音對她說: “You should google missionary pilot.” 這是她平生第一次所遇到的事,但那聲音卻又大到不容她忽視。於是上網查詢 “飛行宣教士”,第一個跳出來的 “航空宣教使命團” MAF(Mission Aviation Fellowship),其上所列事工的第二項IT (Information Technology)竟與她所學、所好相吻合。霎那間,彷彿一道窗簾被打開,她所尋求來自天上的呼召、使命,就此展現眼前;是如此奇妙地結合了多年來,耶穌在她身上的裝備與未來對她的託付:(1)電腦專業、(2)飛行喜好,與(3)愛人助人,為離島之民,帶來基督之愛。


2010年暑期,她進入MAF實習,前往號稱“萬島之國” (共17,506個島嶼)印尼,萬餘島鏈中最東之省–巴布亞(Papua) 實地考察。那裡原是荷蘭殖民地,1967年劃歸印尼;在崇山峻嶺中,散住著250個部落,靠著長途跋涉彼此往來。直到MAF自1952年開始在Papua成立基地,無數宣教士代代相傳地在那裡撒種、深耕,帶來基督信仰與人道救助。


林才欣說: “ 在基督教宣教士到來之前,巴布亞並不是熱帶天堂。巴布亞各部落活著,就是為了互相殘殺;他們一直活在對其他部落與對諸靈世界的恐懼當中。”



但是,她說: “門從未關閉,所有障礙都被清除了。我感謝以各種方式幫助我克服這些障礙的每一位飛行教練、每一位朋友,和每一位醫護人員。…我感謝神,祂讓我看到我未來的樣子,並信實而堅定不移地,帶領我走在通往巴布亞的道路上。”

2015年,林才欣取得商用飛機的駕駛執照; 2017年從戈登康威爾神學院畢業,與我們教會林有洧弟兄同一天畢業並緊鄰而坐;林弟兄說: “從她身上,我看到年輕一代為主毫無保留、毫不退縮的獻身,她是那麼地堅定與勇敢。”




對她而言,辦公桌絕非僅是一張桌子,而是神在她身上做工、使她成聖的地方。她說: “我每天早晨禱告,就是簡單地求神使我對聖靈敏感,使我當天能用某種方式,成為某人的祝福;也許不是通過飛行,不是通過電腦技術,而只是通過30秒鐘的一次談話。我實在非常快樂,當我越配合神的帶領,就越能發現每天生活中,充滿了各樣小小的機會,為別人的生命帶來改變。….我常感覺:哇!我何其蒙福,能參與這項事工。因此,每一個飛行的日子,對我都是一份禮物。” (詳見MAF《林才欣的自述》影片 


2020年3月,終於完成在MAF的首次個人飛行,隊友們為她潑水祝賀;她得以獲准在巴布亞省20個村莊服務。她說:“第一次獨自登上Kodiak的感覺真是太棒了,自從我認識航空宣教以來,它一直是我的夢想飛機。”  又說: “我最感恩的是我對神有個人的體認,祂從未在我每一次的低潮中離棄我,反倒以我自己所無法實現的方式,一再將‘哀哭變成跳舞’(詩30:11)。…儘管駕駛飛機和在電腦上工作,使我無比興奮;但我最興奮的,還是通過幫助人來分享耶穌基督的愛,將他們深深的挫折和哀傷,轉化為舞蹈和歡欣。”



2020年3月印尼爆發COVID19疫情;當時已有15,000 個確診病例,超過 1,000 個人死亡。印尼成為中國之外亞洲疫情最嚴重的地區之一。所有航班都已停飛,林才欣仍在執行任務。一次飛行途中突遭氣候變化,被迫降落巴布亞省中部大城瓦梅納(Wamena)。


2020年5月6日一封電子郵件中,她說: “艱難時刻增強了我在巴布亞服事的意義感。每一次飛行,我都親眼目睹MAF如何將偏遠村莊,和至關重要的物資、醫療聯繫起來。這在正常情況下都不能當成理所當然的事,而在目前限制旅行的情況下更是如此。這裡的人們提醒我們,每次飛機在他們的村莊著陸時,他們是多麼地感恩。”  而她個人,更是將每一個能夠飛行、給人幫助的日子,看作是神極大的賞賜。




然而這次她失約了。起飛兩分鐘後,她發出求救信號;兩個小時後,搜尋隊在森塔尼湖(Lake Sentani),發現了失事的飛機與她的遺體。憂傷而帶著盼望的村民們,在她預定降落的跑道上留言懷念,相約天家再相聚。


誠如當地一位宣教士Chase Reynolds所說:“林才欣引起外界如此大的關注,產生這樣的影響力,並非單因這起(飛機失事)事件,而是因為她一生的行事為人。”


母親節前,林才欣在卡片上寫著:”媽媽,祝你母親節快樂!我是這麼地慶幸,有你作我的媽媽!你和爸爸是我這一生中第一份最大的祝福;因為你們對我的愛,使我能夠去愛世上其他的人。” [1]



2018年3月,友人問她曾否擔心過飛機失事;她說: “如果我真的死於此事,那也是死於上帝呼召我做的事;對此,我並不後悔。”

和內地會準宣教士博德恩 (William Whiting Borden, 1887-1913) [2]一樣,林才欣活出了 “沒有保留,沒有後退,沒有後悔” 的一生 (No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets) !




木蘭樹寄托著整個家族的懷念 ( 照片由Joyce家人 提供)



[1] “Happy Mother’s Day mom! I’m so glad you are my mom. You and dad are the first greatest blessings of my life.   Because of the ways you have loved me, I am equipped to love other people.”

[2]  威廉博德恩 (William Whiting Borden, 1887-1913;中文譯名或作威廉波頓) 以向中國西北回民宣教為職志,1913預備加入內地會,前往開羅學習阿拉伯語言與文化,不幸罹患腦膜炎而遽然去世,年僅25。臨終前,他將遺產捐贈給內地會;內地會為紀念他所興建蘭州“博德恩醫院”(Borden Memorial Hospital)於1918年完工。其生平詳見戴存義師母(Mrs. Howard Taylor, 1862-1949)《忠心的管家》(Borden of Yale-The Faithful Steward, 香港證道, 1969); 他的三句名言: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets ,是自己和無數宣教士生命的寫照。





How God Led My Grandfather David

By Anna Beth

Great Grandfather called as a Missionary Coolie,Two Churches Built before His Death

In January 1860, my great grandfather Rev. Luk-Wu Chau (周路伍牧師) accompanied an American missionary to visit the immigrant coolies onboard at Canton Seaport. He had pity on coolies as there were no believers to minister to them. The missionary asked, “Why don’t you go with them?” After asking God on his knees to confirm that it was God’s calling, he told his parents. They had no objection and put him in God’s keeping. The next morning, he took his wife with her medicine chest and luggage to register as immigrant coolies on board. Once all set, the ship launched for the South Pacific, passed the Strait of Malacca, via the Indian Ocean, around the Cape of Good Hope, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and arrived at the destination, Georgetown, the capital of British Guiana. During the nearly three-month voyage, his wife cared for many who were seasick. Once they landed, they were sent to the plantation of Peter’s Hall. Rev. Chau was mistreated as ‘Lazy’, but they later found out that he was a pastor, an intellectual, being able to write letters for coolies. He proclaimed Jesus Christ as the Savior and converted many coolies to believers. He built two similar churches, one in the West Bank of the River and one in the East. He endured hard toil on the farm and ministered to coolies day and night for 16 years. He fell ill in bed and passed away a year later.

Grandfather Left School at Twelve for Hire God Granted Hewlings and Ewing to Edify

Great grandmother Mack Shee (謝瑪克, 1820-1914) escaped from the piles of dead bodies that the Qing army slaughtered nearly 100 millions, wiping out the rebels in Southern China. She was received by my great great grandparents who were wealthy believers. Mack Shee, a strong and capable medical doctor, married my great grandfather Pastor Luk-Wu Chau and together immigrated to British Guiana to minister to coolies. She laboured in the field and dealt with urgent cases of illness. At that time, the male, female, and child-labor daily wages were three pennies, two pennies, and one penny respectively. They were provided a shed, a yard, and seeds to grow vegetables, and raise chicken as they wished. In 1876, great grandfather died and left his wife with two children far from their homeland. She picked a rich shop owner Kam to marry her daughter through her match-maker friend. She let her son Loy Chau quit school to be hired by Kam to learn the business. Great grandmother and Kam were then not Christians but self-reliant, so they resented Loy’s dependence on God for everything.

Anglican Pastor D. Ewing had favor on Loy for he loved Sunday school, swimming, soccer, weightlifting and boxing, so he granted Loy his Scottish family name Ewing. Loy Chau registered his chosen name formally as David Johnston Ewing Chow (大衛 約翰斯通 優銀 周, 1867-1923)in the Anglican Church. David obeyed his mother and to quit school. David’s headmistress, Miss Hewlings, saw that his scores had always won first place from the first grade to the fifth grade, and said to him, “What a pity, you have not yet finished your sixth grade courses. The shop opens at 6:15 am. Come to me at 5:00 am, and I will teach you Math and English literature. I am sure you can finish them all within six months. You love to read. I will lend you the books you need. They are useful for your future. In anything you do, never forget: It is God who will help you through everything.” David came to her daily at 5:00 am till he completed all of his eighth grade courses. His reading speed and good memory allowed him to complete everything in five and a half months. David thanked Miss Hewlings for her love and kindness. David loved reading the Bible, singing hymns, and kept learning diligently all his life.

Lost Job and Left Home Due to Baptism ,God Led Him to Various Business Skills

At the age of twelve, David decided to be baptized. His mother and Kam said, “if you do, you must leave the family shop.” In public, he would wear a Chinese long gown, which would be washed and ironed in advance. At 11 pm, he closed and organized the shop, and went to sleep at 12 am, and got up as usual at 4 am. Baptism Sunday had arrived and this was his happy day to glorify God. However, the long gown was missing. He immediately realized that his family wanted to stop him. After a quick breakfast, he walked 8 miles to catch the first ferry at 6:30 am, and arrived at the opposite side at 7 am. Then he walked 4 miles to the Chinese Baptist Church at Peter’s Hall. Everyone was busy preparing for the banquet after baptism. They were surprised to see David dressed in shorts, not in his long gown! He explained that his long gown was well-prepared but missing as his family wished to stop him from being baptized. Regardless, he came to be baptized. They teased him and provided him with all the necessities. The pastor said: “God looks at a man’s heart, not at what he wears.” When he returned home, his mother and Kam asked him to leave. He knew God allowed him to be tested, and said, “God will carry me through all the tests.” He saved the wage that Kam paid him at the departure and deposited the money in the post office near the train station. He sighed in saying goodbye and prayed for his mother to be in God’s keeping.

God led David to two shops. He prayed and chose Wolee for having opportunities to talk about Jesus and personal development, and to be near Rev. Lau Fook of Peter’s Hall Church. The shopkeeper knew little English. He saw that David was bilingual and skilled at bookkeeping and said: “You are honest and straight-forward and you are the one I need.” He paid him much better than Kam did. David had meals with his assistant and the shopkeeper’s family. The two banks in the city opened at 9 am for cash deposit of weekly sales, then for purchasing goods. He took the slack period to go to the department stores to meet the managers, staff, and studied all sorts of goods and businesses. He would pop in to see how the tailor measured customers, and cut out paper patterns and stitch them together; how the jeweler melted gold or silver coins and poured the molten mass into metal molds with holes of various sizes. As the metals went through the holes, they would harden into thin threads and be dropped into the basins of water to form different shapes and be turned into jewelry. He observed how carpenters laid the foundation to take the extremely bitter greenheart woodblocks, the boards were laid on the pillars and on the pitch-pine boards above the pillar, the position of the windows and hinges to them and the rafters. He remembered details and took notes afterwards.

Serving Church and Praying Hard,Mother Repented but Kam Died

Similarly, he learned how to cook rice, vegetables, meats, and fish with salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, soybean sauce at the right heat so that the vegetables would be green and crispy, and the beef with soy sauce, sugar in wet starch, tenderly flavored. All of the notes played a part in his ministry and in the kitchen in church and for his future. Over a year in Wolee, he provided the herbs and ointments his mother used successfully. He also sold groceries like flour and rice in wholesale and barrels of smoked fish and salted meat with full knowledge of the business, as he knew the prices fluctuated now and then, based on the scarcity of the stock until new stock came. David fully enjoyed his work and prayed for his mother.

God led David back to Kam since Kam’s helper was dishonest and incapable and Kam was addicted to opium. So they asked David to return and apologized for letting him go. David resigned from Wolee, took the train to Leonora, and rushed home. His mother in tears hugged her only son and repented. Waking up from lethargy Kam asked David, “Will you pray for me to God and Jesus Christ that I may give up opium and be healed, if I promise not to touch the opium pipe anymore?” David said, “Are you serious about your promise to God and me to stop smoking?” He said, “Yes.” David knelt beside him, prayed earnestly to God to break the addiction in Jesus’ name and to heal him, and thanked God for hearing his prayer. Kam slept well through the night, then had three meals, repented, and put away the pipes. Business improved for five months. Then the opium smoke re-appeared. Kam had resumed smoking opium, became very ill, and implored David to pray for him. Though discouraged, David knelt by Kam to request earnestly, but in the midst of the prayer, someone came in shouting, “Hog’s Head.” Immediately Kam replied, showing that he was not in prayer. David felt God would not answer this prayer. The next night, Kam died. His sister married a brother in the church six months later.

Laid Hand as an Elder and Being Taught Granted Godly Emily and Children

Peter’s Hall had morning and evening services. But Leonora was far away, and so had to be content with only one morning service, except if on special occasions, the Pastor stayed for the night, then two services were held – morning and afternoon. Rev. Lau Fook led by the Lord appointed David at almost 16 as the Elder of the Leonora, agreed with his request to be taught in Peter’s Hall biweekly. The deacons and brothers in the East Bank came to serve in rotation.

God led David to set up his own shop. David saw an empty plot of land of about two acres in the middle of the village, abandoned by the owner. He at once went to ask the landowner if he would like to sell the unused field. The owner promptly said, “Yes” and offered the land for $500. David immediately purchased the land. David built similar houses for two shops, a grocery store stocked up in barrels, and a department store for clothing. His mother, sister, and two nephews all came to help. In two weeks, the store opened on a Saturday, which was payday in the plantations. Everyone wished to see what David would sell in his new store: new toys, kid’s clothing, hardware, smoked meat, and fish in cans, etc. The sales ran quite well from 10 am to 10:30 pm, with the last 30 minutes for guests from distant farms. David’s classmates and nephews watched over the goods. They ate cold meals with hot tea, organized the goods, washed and went to bed.

The next day was Sunday. David led his nephews to Leonora church, calling people on the way to the service at 11 am to worship God. The new store was a great success. God led him to get a wife as his helper. He asked Rev Lau about the shy girl Emily(艾米利梁, 1870-1927) across Sunday lunch table with her parents. Everyone said, the two were an excellent match and the marriage would be a great help to the Leonora church. Her mother was blind and her father a good shopkeeper. David fell in love with her, so did she with him. Pastor Lau blessed the two in their engagement and held their wedding in two months in the Leonora. People of the three churches gathered in the Leonora to celebrate. Then Emily became pregnant but at 4 months suffered a miscarriage due to overwork in the shop and in the garden. The couple trusted in God for His good will to let them have some experience for the future. They thanked God for His kindness and protection. God granted them 8 boys and 4 girls: All except two were given Biblical names. The eldest girl was named Rebecca, the second a son, Solomon, then Jeremiah (Jerry), James, Rachel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary, Charles, Robert, Emmanuel (died young), and Nathaniel. Eleven grew up and all loved the Lord.


The rich merchant Hoashoo who supported churches was aging. So he called David and their wives to pray, and then hired a teacher for home schooling after school hours. Two families held home worship after Sunday service in the church. The eldest son-in-law James Low came. The three families: Hoashoo, Ewing Chow and Low worked together in ministry and in business. During World War I, there was a shortage of sugar. David, led by God, with his reputation purchased eight sugar cane plantations and updated sugar factories. He was a known entrepreneur and elected as president of the Christian Association of the British, Dutch, and French Guiana. To win over the younger generation for Christ, he built and managed the YMCA in Georgetown. Rev. Fook Lau’s passing made him the only bilingual preacher in the three churches at Peter’s Hall, the East Bank, and the Leonora. David, overworked, collapsed and died with a word to his children: “Leave home to spread the gospel afar with funding set ahead for their missions.”

Stories of Missionaries

Amazing Grace through Generations

Anna Beth

Initial Cause Tom, my son’s father-in-law, said earnestly, we ought to pass on our family heritage to my grand-daughter Amelia in writing. Her first birthday has drawn near. What is the proper gift for her? Her pure joy has stirred up my heart: In the coming ages God might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.(Eph 2:7) Oh!Yes. I am to write for her “Amazing Grace through Generations: Stories of the Missionaries.” It should be in English and Chinese for the little girl to learn both as her mother wishes.

Outline The series is led by a synopsis, initially depicted by my 3rd uncle James, “David and His Children” about the family stories of my grandpa, David Johnstone Ewing Chow (周大衛, 1867-1923). Uncle James L. Chow (周雅各, 1894-1980) studied at the Christ College of Cambridge University and Gray’s Inn of Court. He was distinguished among the few who were qualified to stand and to plea, as the British Barrister at Law (Cantab. England, 1916). He joined Chinese Christian Student Federation, where he served in teaching at the east-end London. His writing on the Ewing-Chows was passed on to me by Dr. Alexander Kee Sui Pan (潘其瑞, 1932-2017), his grandson Alec, who stated, “This is the sole copy.” Alec’s father, my 4th Uncle –in-law Dr. Tsoh Chen Peter Pan (潘作琴, 1899-1959), served Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth as her personal physician. He also served the Lord. Alec’s mother was my 4th Aunt Moy (Mary Honora 周美玉, 1900-1987). The personalities of the family tree in the outline are shown below.

July of 1981 my family was invited to Canada by my cousin. When Alec passed on Uncle James’s typed manuscript, and said, “ This is the sole photo copy I made…… Under the influence of your father (Charles Ewing Chow 周康耀, 1904-1982) in my childhood, I obtained dual degrees of Medicine and Music for gospel to serve the Lord. This article describes the first missionary trip of the Chows from China to South America. For the awareness and benefit of those of us living in America, and the generations to come, it is being written in English and Chinese, extending hence from great grandpa to grandpa, from grandpa to my father with aunts and uncles, and from father to us and our children. The torch of the gospel has been and will be passed on from one generation to the next. God works wonders in every individual’s heart returning to Him and acknowledging Him, our Lord Jesus Christ as the personal savior and the Lord of our life; and, we follow His footsteps, according to His calling to each of us.

World Turbulence and Family Migration

In the middle of 19th century the world was in turbulence. The United Kingdom experienced social upheaval due to abolition of slavery. It caused a shortage of labourers in the plantations in British Guiana, where slaves were no longer sold. Therefore, the British government imported poor or destitute farmers by contract to come to South America as coolies or labourers in the plantation. At the same time, in China, an army of the Qing Dynasty Empire maneuvered to conquer the rebels sweeping through Southern China, fiercely suppressing the Taiping Rebellion, which was waged from 1850 to 1864, against Qing dynasty with estimated war deaths up to 70-100 million. Rebels in numerous towns and villages were wiped out. People were slaughtered, leaving piles of dead fighters and families. Some survivors hid beneath heaps of bodies, and after the army left, these survivors fled. Luckily those who survived this calamity heard of the potential immigrants signing contracts, heading to a new world across the ocean with the help of British people. They all rushed to Canton, thinking of how to escape from the slaughterhouse, and to cross the sea to the plantation working as coolies as the cost of paying for the voyage. With great uncertainty for their future, but needing to flee at any cost, they rushed to get on board to avoid the massacre. They could not wait to be there, where they would have food and lodging, and safety.

Visiting Immigrants Onboard, a Young Pastor Receiving A Calling

Now this is where my grandpa David’s father Chau Luk-wu (周路伍, died in1876) and the founder of the Chinese Baptist Church comes in. My great grandparents were missionaries by calling to ministry, but David’s mother Mack Shee (謝瑪克, 1820-1914) was also a doctor and acupuncturist.. She treated patients using herbal medicines, including dried specimens and seeds. It is extraordinary how my great grandparents became immigrants to British Guiana. The day before the ship was to sail, an American Baptist Pastor and Missionary, accompanied by a young keen Chinese Pastor Chau Luk-wu, my grandpa David’s father, went to see some of the immigrants congregating on the wharf. The young Pastor’s heart was stirred with pity and sighed, saying: “How sad it is to see this boat full of my countrymen going to a distant country with no one to minister to them.” The missionary turned to him, smiled, and said, “Why not go with them and take the gospel to them and others there?”

Pastor Chao Luk-wu Obeyed Calling to Oversea Mission

As soon as the young pastor Chao Luk-wu周路伍went home, he got on his knees and prayed, “Is it a call from you, Lord that I shall go?” He definitely felt that it was. He at once told his parents that he believed the Lord had asked him to go on the ship the next day to declare the “good news” and God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, His Son. Whosoever believes in Him and confesses their sins before God, their sins little and big, they would be forgiven, for Jesus shed His blood on the Cross of Calvary, for the remission of the sins of the whole world-you and me. His parents, apparently Christians, made no attempt to stop him, but commended him into God’s keeping. He and his wife Mack Shee 謝瑪克said goodbye to his parents and family and went to the pier, just in time to get on board before the ship sailed away from the pier and headed for the sea.

Red Riding Hood

The Voyage was Hard

The ship was named the Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood, see page 28 ) and set off January 22, 1860, sailing through Singapore, past the Cape of Good Hope, and arrived at Georgetown, British Guiana South America on April 8. The voyage was a long and tedious one, occupying 75 days, passing through the Strait of Malacca, across the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean (See bellow). The trip was very trying and painful for the Pastor. He was unlike the farmers and workers of the fields, was not accustomed to a “hard” life. However, with medicinal herbs from David’s mother, who was an herbalist and Chinese doctor, Chau Luk-wu was able to help many on the ship combat sea-sickness and other ailments. As a result, fewer died en route, compared with previous voyages to British Guiana.

Born in Chung-San, Guangdong province, Chau Luk-wu 周路伍, my grandpa David’s father was reported in the 1915 book by British governor, Sir Cecil Clementi (1875-1947). He had traveled with his wife Mack Shee 謝瑪克 on the Dora which landed in Georgetown on April 4th, 1860. Family memoirs show that Chau Luk-wu started working in Demerara and it is more likely that Chau and his wife were passengers aboard the Red Riding Hood which landed 5 days after the Dora.(My great grandma Mack Shee 謝瑪克 and her grandson, my 3rd Uncle James 周雅各, a photo of 1914, see bellow)

For Gospel A Young Pastor Was Made a Coolie

Georgetown, the capital of British Guiana, is near an island called, “The Devil’s Island,” where the French government sent political prisoners and hardened criminals to the end of their days. Very few were able to escape due to the sea being infested by sharks. Those who made it passed the sharks soon had to give themselves up to the authorities, as most were nearly dying from starvation. The Devil’s Island no longer exists as a prison, as it brought notoriety to the French government and people.

On arrival in Georgetown, on the Demerara River, the immigrant indentured laborers went to the various sugar and other plantations. Grandpa David’s parents Chau Luk-wu 周路伍, wife Mack Shee 謝瑪克were sent to the Sugar Plantation of Vries-Lust, about 7 miles from the City of Georgetown. On arrival, the Pastor Chau Luk-wu was sent to Peter’s Hall, near the sugar estate there. But he could not physically tolerate the labour of the cane field, and became ill.

Ministering Coolies Wholeheartedly

The overseers thought he was a malingerer who was pretending to be sick, but soon discovered that he was a refined and educated man as he used to write letters for the other Chinese labourers to be sent to their families in Canton. “See how God works!!”
Chau worked in the fields while his wife was later able to earn a bit extra as a herbalist and acupuncturist by providing medical services to the Chinese workers, although payment usually came in the form of garden vegetables, eggs and chickens.

He was then made a sort of teacher and advisor to the workers. That suited him because he was able to teach and preach to them about this Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In the course of time, he was able to convert quite a number. Through the help of his former pastor and the Baptist Church, he erected a church that seated about 120 people, as well as a house behind the church with about 4-5 rooms, a kitchen, and a large verandah, a half-sized safe parapet wall, and, the original enclosing wall of the old church.

Breaking New Territory for the Good News

The house was built on high greenheart-wood pillars and the wood of the house was of crab-wood which termites would not eat, because both greenheart and crabwood were very bitter. The church went on expanding in members and the workers on the estate saved enough money, to build another church and house across the Demerara River, almost opposite Peter’s Hall, as there were many Chinese workers at three of the largest estates there, so the converts there could work among them to accept the Lord. They therefore were able to build another church near the Canal Bridge, so that members from Peter’s Hall could take their boats to attend service and leave them at the Canal Bridge, and walk to the church about 200 yards distant.

They also put up a large building for the Elder or for whomever was sent there to conduct services to be able to stay there in the four large bedrooms. Adjoining the building was an enormous shed where meals were provided and where baptism services were held for converts. Converts were baptized in a deep pond at the back of the church. The rear of the church and baptismal pond was a long stretch of land with coconut and fruit trees, which was used for graves of deceased members of the church. This church was on the east bank of the Demerara River, whereas Peter’s Hall was on the west bank of the Demerara River.
Planting and Building Two Churches

At Peter’s Hall, the church ran a long way right up to the river. At low tide, the river would recede about 50 yards, so they built a bridge right up to the water at low tide so that baptisms could be held at either low tide or high tide.

Still later, another church was built on the west coast on land given by the Leonora Estate Company. The church was built by the side of the main road, which branched off to the left, on all the land from the bridge running several hundred yards up to the seashore. On that land, the members followed the same pattern of construction as at Peter’s Hall on the east bank. The church was named the Canal West Bank Church. The baptismal pond and main church, which could hold 150 people, were located at the front. Behind the church building was a house with 4 rooms to accommodate those to be baptized. Beyond these buildings was a large kitchen shed for cooking meals. Beside this shed, was Pastor’s building with 2 large bedrooms for the Pastor’s use, and another large room divided into two sections for the caretaker, and for those who wished to spend the night there.

Rested Untimely Leaving His Son to Carry On

Great grandpa worked in the field. So did his wife in the field, rescued the immigrants in emergency, with herbs and acupuncture for free, though she accepted chicken and eggs. She gave birth to a son at age 47 in the field. The boy Chow Loy 周洛宜 was my grandpa and his name was changed at baptism at age 12 by Pastor Ewing to:David Johnstone Ewing Chow. That was what David’s mother told him: After she gave birth to David, Mr. Ewing found her working in the field with her infant in a bag beside her. From then on, he got her work indoors.

Mr. Hoashoo, a rich merchant, acted as David did, and helped considerably to erect the church. Years later, when he died, he was buried at the church. “The two families of Hoashoo, and David Ewing Chow were closely related. Later, the Lows came. Not only had the Hoashoos, Chows, and Lows served the Lord and built the church together, but there were also multiple marriages among their children.

So far as can be ascertained, the previous English Pastor was never married as he thought only of the Lord’s work. Pastor Chau Luk-wu inhabited the English Pastor’s quarters, planted and shepherded two churches. Both he and his wife worked, died, and were buried there. Pastor Chau Luk-wu was an intellectual and scholar. He served the Lord and labored as a coolie in the plantation for years. The plantation work impacted his health and he passed away at an untimely age, when his son was only nine years of age. In approximately 1876, Chau fell ill and died a year later, leaving a daughter aged 12 and a son, Chow Loy, aged 9. His son, my grandpa David, grew up, being chosen and used by the Lord.