All posts by Grace Yeung










1956年進行的紐約長期追蹤調查研究顯示(New York Longitudinal Study; Thomas, Chess & Birch, 1970),大約有百分之六十五的孩子可以分屬於以下三類(其他百分之三十五則具有綜合特徵,難以歸類):在這百分之六十五的孩子之中,百分之四十的孩子可以歸類於易養型(easy child),百分之十五為慢熱型(slow to warm up),百分之十為難養型(difficult child),這意味著並非每個青少年父母都會遇到棘手頭疼的青春期風暴,也意味著有些青少年家庭會在這段時間遭遇極大的情緒行為挑戰。



美國疾病管制局(CDC)數據顯示,10到14歲美國青少年自殺率自2000年起持續上升,2018年一度下降,卻在疫情影響下,於2021年來到史上高峰(Facts About Suicide, May 2023)。

2022年過了第一波醫療疾病危機、第二波再就業的經濟動盪以後,進入第三波心理健康危機。在美國,我們的孩子身為亞裔移民,除了一般青少年會面對的挑戰以外,又多了更多的影響因素,是機遇、也是絆腳石。另一份數據顯示出,光是2021年在美國10到24歲的年輕人中,亞裔自殺率佔總自殺率的9.4%(Stone, D. M., et al., Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 72, No. 6, 2023)。

















如果察覺身邊的孩子或是家中的青少年有情緒行為的掙扎時,我們具體可以怎麼幫助他們? Youth Mental Health Aid整理出簡單易懂的五大步驟,英文簡稱為”ALGEE” (Approach, Listen, Give, Encourage and Encourage):

  1. Approach and assess risk:若察覺青少年有明顯情緒低潮或行為改變,主動接觸評估風險,可以直接了當詢問是否有自殘或自殺的念頭。
  2. Listen non-judgmentally:當青少年願意稍微分享時,務必以不批評、不論斷的方式包容孩子。
  3. Give reassurance and information:提供進一步的資源,比方教會資源、學校輔導老師、心理師、診所、醫院、心理健康專線等等的聯絡方式。
  4. Encourage appropriate professional help:鼓勵青少年突破心理防線,尋求專業心理治療。
  5. Encourage self-help and other support strategies:完成第三步提供支持資源、第四步鼓勵孩子尋求專業心理治療之後,最後才再回到自助的部分,這樣的步驟能讓孩子即時接受適當的心理照護,避免「我可以自己扛」或是「有病的人才需要心理治療」的迷思延誤診斷和介入的時機。


2022年美國的心理健康服務有突破性的整合,該年七月正式推出988心理專線(988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline),用以取代911緊急專線,給予心理照護方面更準確的支援。無論是緊急情況或是情緒低潮,撥通988,電話那頭就會有訓練有素的專業人員聆聽、陪伴、協助提供資源。除了當事人之外,身邊的陪伴者若遇到不知道如何處理的情況,也可以撥打988尋求進一步的指導。

此外,麻州政府的健康專線833-773-2445提供一年365天全年無休(包括節日期間)的心理健康服務,該號碼可以直接撥打,也可以傳簡訊聯絡(此專線有兩百多種語言的翻譯服務,不必擔心語言問題)。在學的學生也可以透過學校的輔導(school counselor)丶學區的專業心理師取得相關的支援和轉介資訊;各級社區、鎮、城市,一般也都會有心理健康的資源可以索取。




















凱柏(Abraham Kuyper)是荷蘭的前首相。他1898年訪問美國時在普林斯頓大學演講中警告美國教會:“美國教會你們不要像我們歐洲教會老早就放棄了信仰!你要知道人類的歷史、文明的歷史永遠是敬拜真神和敬拜偶像之間的鬥爭。” 


















在新加坡的一個家庭小組聚會中,我說:“我是來找信仰的。”一個姊妹說:“我們的神在尋找人,祂尋找了你。” 我說:“我絕對不會輕易相信,我要找真正屬於我自己的信仰。” 姊妹說:“你願不願意跟我說一句話⸺神啊,如果有祢,我願意認識祢。” 我說了。

我心裡想的是: “神啊,如果有祢,請向我顯現啊!”













不僅如此,我的弟弟信主了,我的媽媽和她的老伴也信主了!  以前我的家滿了仇恨,現在我的家中滿了和睦;以前我的家是破碎,現在是圓滿。我和先生的關係更好了。感謝神的真光照亮了我的生命,祂的光有醫治的大能。神的道路盡是平安和祝福啊! 



Tell Me About Your Weakness

Steve Bowman

Wounded by a Rose Thorn

Imagine being pricked by a thorn from a rose bush. Think about the pain of a deeply embedded thorn that requires tenderness and skill to remove it.  

This imagery reminds us of how complex and wounded we are, and our need to embrace our weakness and God’s grace for ourselves and others.

The World Hates Weakness

“Weakness” is an interesting word.  Most cultures and histories look down upon weakness.  I think understandably so, for most tasks, tests, competitions, etc., it is better to be strong rather than weak.  

We as humans throughout history are good at emphasizing our strengths.  That is why we enhance our resumes and during a eulogy, we accentuate the positive.  It is easier for us to point out our good and strengths, over our not-so-good characteristics and weaknesses.  So much so that often parents, teachers, and coaches teach us to even hate weakness, in ourselves and others!

God’s Children Boast of Weaknesses

In the Holy Bible, God’s words often point out how children of God need to think differently than the way of the world.  To choose the narrow path, even though it is more difficult, as it leads to life and only a few will find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)  

In 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, the Apostle Paul excellently describes how God wants us to cultivate a new attitude towards our weakness. Paul said, “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. ”

Not Let Thorns Define Us

Paul’s attitude regarding his major problems was to let the Holy Spirit use him despite his weakness and not let Satan win.  Too many people, even Christians, let the thorns and problems of their lives define them.  

We all need to cultivate a new attitude of letting God use us in our weakness and even delight in our weakness, insults, hardships, etc. All for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven and to experience God’s perfect power and grace!  

God had to humble Paul and bring him to his knees.  He needs to do the same for us as well.

Experiencing God’s Grace in Weakness

We all experience times when we feel drained and powerless.  For years I tried to power through, using my own strength and wisdom.  

Slowly and thankfully the Holy Spirit spoke to me.  I realized I needed God.  He encouraged me inwardly through His Spirit and outwardly through the helpfulness of my church, family and friends.  

I had to let go of my independence and learn to trust God’s sufficiency in my weakness. God’s amazing grace and power are sufficient for me and even made perfect in my weakness!  And by His grace, I am even learning to delight in the insults, hardships, and difficulties of life.

This is all for the sake of experiencing His perfect power and for the advancement of His kingdom from heaven to earth. And that is my sincere hope and prayer for CBCGB.

Steve Bowman is the Children’s Ministry pastor at CBCGB.

Edited by Grace Yeung

Spiritual Blindness and Our Heart

Taylor Birkhimer

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” (Reference 1)

Seeing Again is Life-Changing

Are you blind? For those of us who can see, this may sound like an odd question. What do you think it is like to go from being completely blind to being able to see? Thanks to modern technology, we can see witnesses of people who were blind and then had surgery, or through the use of some technology are able to see again.  Without experiencing it ourselves, we can only know so much, but we can imagine going from being completely blind to being able to see again would be a very emotional experience.

But what do you think it is like to go from being partially blind to being able to see clearly for the first time? Take for example, being color-blind and then being able to see color again. A few years ago technology has made this possible too, and it has become a popular trend to post videos of people who are color-blind wearing glasses that allow them to see color for the first time on YouTube and other social media. Have you seen these videos? What do you think people’s responses are? 

If you go on YouTube and find the video, “EnChroma: “Tough Guy” Sees Full Color for the First Time” (, you will find an older colorblind gentleman who describes himself as a tough guy. He assures his family and those watching that when he puts on the glasses to allow him to see color that he will not cry.  However, as he actually wears the glasses for the first time, he nearly breaks down into tears. It is a moving and emotional moment.

Being able to see the beauty of color for the first time is an incredibly emotional experience- even for a “tough guy” who assures his viewers that he will not cry! It is a moving, life-altering experience to go from being color blind to being able to see the wonderful beauty of all the colors.

Missing the Colorful Beauty of God’s Creation

Are you blind? What if our spiritual eyes are in the same condition as the color-blind person, able to see in part, but significantly missing the colorful beauty of God’s created world and unaware of what we are actually missing? 

The Bible says because of sin, each one of us is spiritually blind in this same sense- able to see in part, but not clearly: “In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:4) 

To be clear, spiritual blindness is in part how we see things generally, but also how we see spiritual things is more than simply sight. It is about how we perceive everything. Like the color-blind person unable to see all the vast colors of the world and everything around them, the spiritually blind person is unable to see the goodness of God at work in every aspect of life. The spiritually blind person has a tarnished and inaccurate perception of everything they see, including themselves.

All of Us Struggle with Spiritual Blindness

While Scripture primarily addresses spiritual blindness in relation to the unbeliever, it is also true that because of sin, Christians too struggle with some sense of spiritual blindness. 

Author, counselor, and theologian Paul David Tripp says this about spiritual blindness: “One of the tragic effects of the Fall is personal blindness of heart-it is universal…sin is deceitful and fallen people are so naturally blind to issues of self.” (Reference 2)  

He goes on, “The difference between physical and spiritual blindness is that the former is blatantly obvious while the latter often goes unnoticed. A physically blind person is immediately confronted with his condition. Often, a spiritually blind person not only fails to recognize his blindness, he is convinced that he has excellent vision. A fundamental part of being spiritually blind is that you are blind to your blindness.” (Reference 3)

Spiritual Blindness is Caused by Sins

Spiritual blindness is not morally neutral, but is largely due to our sin-we are not simply victims of Satan’s deceptiveness. Though the devil schemes against us to deceive us, and the world follows him (Ephesians 2:1-2), we also freely choose to “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). 

By our sin, we freely choose to determine right and wrong for ourselves (Genesis 3) which becomes the primary basis of our spiritual blindness. The fall of man is rooted in a willful spiritual blindness to reject what God says is good and evil and to determine for ourselves what is good and evil. We have since been following in the footsteps of our first parents. Thankfully, God has not fully given us all up to our desires, but saves us from our willful blindness and rebellion (Romans 1:24, 5:6).

Jesus Saves Us from Spiritual Blindness

Jesus has come into the world to save the spiritually blind and to save us from our spiritual blindness! 2 Corinthians chapter 4 speaks about the spiritual blindness of unbelievers in verse 4, but verses 5 and 6 talk about how Jesus brings light to our spiritual blindness to give us sight:

“In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

Our Hearts Sanctified by God

May the Word of God through the regenerating and sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit pierce to the innermost parts of our hearts to remove our hearts of stone, and give us a heart of flesh that we may be able to see “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 

My prayer for you, dear church, is that which Paul prayed for the Ephesian church in Ephesians 3:14–19: “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of His glory He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”


1) C.S. Lewis, “Is Theology Poetry?” They Asked for a Paper (London, Geoffrey Bles, 1962), 165. Quoted in David Powlison, Seeing With New Eyes: Counseling and the Human Condition Through the Lens of Scripture (Phillipsburg, P&R Publishing, 2003), Page 9.

2) Paul David Tripp, Instruments In The Redeemer’s Hands: People In Need Of Change Helping People In Need Of Change (Phillipsburg, P&R Publishing, 2002), Page 277.

3) Paul David Tripp, Instruments In The Redeemer’s Hands: People In Need Of Change Helping People In Need Of Change (Phillipsburg, P&R Publishing, 2002), Page 279.

Taylor Birkhimer is CBCGB’s Youth Minister.  

Edited by Grace Yeung