Category Archives: 靈修筆記



約翰福音11章,記載了主耶穌使死人拉撒路復活的神蹟。這可能是聖經上記載的(除主耶穌自己之外)最大的使死人復活的神蹟,也直接導致了猶太人殺害主耶穌的決心。之前主也曾使兩個死人復活,拿因城寡婦的兒子復活,和管會堂的睚魯之女復活,但是這個復活的神蹟則更升了一級,因爲主聽到拉撒路病了的消息之後,又等待了兩天,直到拉撒路死亡之後四天才到那裏。而且主明說,這是故意而爲,“這是為你們的緣故,好叫你們相信”(15節)。主耶穌要藉著這個神蹟,顯示祂一個重要的本性⸺祂是真正的生命之主(“復活在我,生命也在我。I am the resurrection and the life.(25節)”)。

之前兩個復活的神蹟,都是在剛剛死去或死後不久,按猶太人的傳統,人的靈魂還沒有離開,身體還新鮮,相對來講復活比較“容易”。然而這一次,連一直聲稱“相信”的馬大,當耶穌真的說“把石頭挪開”的時候,都不由得阻攔說“他必是臭了”。這真是“不可能”中的“不可能”;生命的主不但能夠使人復活,而且可以隨意賜予生命,哪怕是當肉體已經腐爛的時候,也能令瞬間生出新的細胞(列王記下5:14 “於是乃縵下去,照着神人的話,在約旦河裏沐浴七回;他的肉復原,好像小孩子的肉,他就潔淨了。”)

第35節“耶穌哭了”可能是聖經中最短的經文,中文四個字,英文只有兩個單詞“Jesus wept”。耶穌爲什麼哭?猶太人以爲他是因爲愛死去的拉撒路,其實不然,因爲祂顯然知道拉撒路幾分鐘之後必然復活。在哭之前,“耶穌看見她哭,並看見與她同來的猶太人也哭,就心裏悲歎,又甚憂愁”(33節)。聯繫前後文,我們可以猜想,主耶穌是因爲看到眾人都因爲不信而哭泣;即便行了復活的神蹟之後,猶太人還是愚頑,“從那日起,他們就商議要殺耶穌”(53節);頑梗愚昧的心使主爲之憂愁憐憫而流淚。

聖經中有兩個拉撒路⸺一個是真實復活的拉撒路;另一個是主耶穌比喻中財主和乞丐拉撒路的故事(路16)。值得回味的是,在那個比喻中,主已經暗指了後來復活的神蹟⸺財主請求亞伯拉罕派拉撒路復活回到地上傳道給他的弟兄們,好讓他們得救,不至於到地獄受苦。然而亞伯拉罕說(其實是主說):“若不聽從摩西和先知的話,就是有一個從死裡復活的,他們也是不聽勸。”(路16:31)果然,在後面真實復活的拉撒路神蹟之後,“他們也是不聽勸”,以至殺了那生命的主;甚至後來耶穌自己在十字架捨命之後,第三天復活,他們仍然不信祂。 (使徒行傳 3:15 “你們殺了那生命的主,神卻叫他從死裏復活了;我們都是為這事作見證。”)

約翰福音11章的經文,讓我們真正地信服(馬可福音 11:22 耶穌回答說:“你們當信服神。”)⸺主耶穌就是那生命的主;祂是所有生命的源頭;祂的話語永不會落空。



Daily Prayer with the Scripture  

Anna Zhou

Preface. During the past few days, responding to the urgent calls from beloved Muslim sister,we are comforted by the hymn: Forever Love Has Loved Me, based on the scripture Jer.31:3. The other pieces were prayerful notes of walking with three more patients and their loved ones. 

Observe the eternal blood covenant of love,till we see Lord Christ Jesus. Heb. 13:20

Indeed, in prayer with the Scripture before dawn, the Lord bestowed spiritual food to quench my hungry and thirsty soul. When we cried out for help in urgent needs, we are upheld in His love with our old age and grey hairs. His word shed the Light of Life, cleansing and curing us. His grace is sufficient for our daily living. Is 46:3-4, 2 Cor.12:9.

1.Live before God, fixing my eyes on Christ

    · Lord Jesus said:No one is good,except God alone. Mark 10:18

    · Calm my heart, being enlightened, sanctify myself for Lord’s special use.   Tim 2:21

2.The Bible in prayerful seeking heart, soothe my hungry and thirsty and cure my weakness 

    · Lord Jesus’ words are life and the Spirit. John 6:63

    · Gaining His life,anointing the Holy Spirit,being a new creation daily. 2 Cor.5:17

    · My praises of the Lord are from my Lord. In awe, I worship You Lord. Ps 22:25

3. Practice Love daily to love the Lord and His beloved

    · Being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,we share Christ’s love. Heb 2:1

· Observe the eternal blood covenant of love,till see Lord Christ Jesus. Heb 13:20

During the past few days, responding to the urgent calls from the beloved Muslim sister, we are comforted by the hymn: Forever Love Has Loved Me, based on the scripture Jer.31:3. The other pieces were prayerful notes of walking with three more patients and their loved ones. 

Observe the eternal blood covenant of love,till see Lord Christ Jesus. Heb 13:20

20230825 Read the Scripture Deny Self Obey God(James 1:23-25)

1. Only hear God’s Word but does not do what God says is like someone looking at his face in a mirror.23

    ·God’s Word manifests oneself’s reality before God so to stimulate us to deny self more and obey God more. Luke 9:23

    · Reading the Scriptures for applying His Word to self. Not for judging others against His teachings. Matt 7:1; Is 58:9

2. After looking at oneself, going away and immediately forgets what oneself looks like.24

    · Immediately forgetting myself was, showing self without receiving it in heart to apply it in daily life.

3. Who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it, not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it; they will be blessed.25

· look into: fix one’s view on, stoop down and look into, Acts 17:11

    · The perfect law:God is perfect and is able to make the reader perfect.

    · The law of liberty:does not tie us up, but to make us free for service. John 8:32

    · This one will be blessed in what he does: showing God’s Word is of great effect to accomplish the good pleasure on those who do His Word will be blessed in what they do. Is. 55:11.

  (Bible in One Year:Lamentations 1-2)

202300824 New Life’s Nature Is Love(1 Peter 1:22-23)

1 Peter 1:22: Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply,22

  1. Obedience to the truth is obedience to Christ. 2 Cor. 10:5;

    · Obedience to Christ is magnifying the Lord. Luke 1:46 

    · Let His peace rule over me. Col 3:15

  2. Daily life must start from the purification of my own heart,

    · All filthy words are uttered from heart Matt. 15:18

    · A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45

  3. Obey God to Love: from friendly love to the unconditional divine love; from sincere love to fervent love without falsehood

    · Let us not love with word, nor with tongue, but in deed and in truth.  1 John 3:18

1 Peter 1:23: For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

  1. The word of God not only makes us reborn but also keeps our life. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4

  2. God’s Word is living and operative and sharper than any two-edged sword and is able to manifest and discern all. Heb. 4:12

  3. God’s Word is everlasting and abiding.  Matt 24:35; Isaiah 40:8.

 (Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 51-52)

20230823 My Heart’s Delight in God’s Word(Je. 15:15-16; Ez. 2:8,3:1-3;Ro 8:6;Job23:12;Ps119:103)

1. Two prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel: no matter how hard the situation might be, they had overcome so can we, for Lord’s Spirit indwelling, speaking His Word as spiritual food. Jer. 15:15-16

   · Weeping prophet Jeremiah was asking God to remember and save him in persecution and insults for God’s sake.15

   · When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.16

2.Prophet Ezekiel listened to God’s Word.   Ez. 2:8,3:1-3

    · But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like rebellious people; open your mouth and eat what I give you.

    · Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it. So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.

Thank you Lord for granting me Your Word. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. making me treasured up the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Ro 8:6; Job 23:12; Ps 119:103

(Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 49-50)

20230817 Scriptural Prayer(Col 1:11-13)

  1. Being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,

   · Ask for Lord’s mercy:being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might,admitting I am weak physically and spiritually. 

   · Patience needs the power of faith, and longsuffering needs the power of love.

   · Joyful Patience and longsuffering in true loving heart.

  2. And giving joyful praises and thanks to the Father, who made us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light / For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.12-13

   · Joyful Praising and thanksgiving the Almighty God  leads us to the summit of prayer,

   · Christ is the portion of all the saints, for sharing the possession and enjoyment of Christ’s Love.

   · Walking in Christ’s Light/being partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Eph 5:8-14

   · Sharing the grace with all the saints/learn to be fellow servants/coworkers. Col. 1:7; 4:7  .

  3. Scriptural prayer according to the above verses

   · Rejoice in the Lord always, even in hardship. Phil 4:4

   · Joyful heart is good medicine, and a sorrowful spirit dries up the bones. Prov.17:22

   · Thank God for giving us our Lord Christ as our model to follow His manner. Joyful is true love in obedience. Heb 12:2

(Bible in One Year:Jeremiah 28-30)

20230816 Prayerful Reading to Know God in Truth(Col. 1:9-10)

1. Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will. 9

    · Once being saved, we seek to know God’s will. Not being fools, God delights in our knowing His will. Eph. 5:17

    · The primary purpose of prayers and supplications is not speaking to God but hearing God.

    · Spiritual growth is not out of man, but of God’s works.

    · Seeking in a humble heart to obtain the wisdom from the Above to deepen knowledge of God in truth. Matt. 11:25-26; James 3:17

    · If one is filled with the knowledge of God’s will in truth, his life must be led by the will of God.

2. So we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. 10; Gal 5:22-23

    · We really desire to know God, not on reasoning or theory only, but shall obey God in our walk, knowing God’s will and practice in life.

    · Daily life is built on the knowledge of God in truth. Really know God to discern from the heresy and walk worthy of the Lord.

    · To walk worthy of the Lord, being in accordance with God’s will, not through his own judgment or zeal.

    · Growth due to the knowledge of God. Spiritual knowledge brings about spiritual growth with spiritual fruit in every good thing.

    · Our knowledge of God is increasing more and more gradually by daily accumulation step by step.

(Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 25-27)

20230815 Practice Love(Mark 12:30-31; Ro 12:9-21,13:8;1 John3:18; Matt 19:7; Eph 2:3;5:1; 1 Thes.5:16-18)

Practice love has three aspects:

  1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength/Love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:30-31

  2. Love one another toward members in God’s family. Ro 12:9-21

     · Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good/no one but God is good, sanctify self /do everything in love from heart. 9; 1 John 3:18, Matt 19:7; Eph 5:1

     · Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another/in humility count others better than myself/more important than myself.10; Eph 2::3

     · No lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord/ Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.11;Ro 13:8

     · Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer/rejoice always, praying unceasingly, thanksgiving in everything.12; 1 Thes.5:16-18

  3. Treat outsiders/people with different opinions/the opponents with friendly respect.17-21

     · Amazing love: Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse/Wishing he well receiving eternal life in the Lord.14

    · Sympathetic love: Rejoice with those who rejoice.15

    · Humble love: Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things.16

    · Modest love: Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.17

  (Bible in One Year:Jeremiah 22-24)

20230814 Live before God(2 Peter 3:14-22; Pro. 10:8,17; Ps. 90:12,14)

Lord brings us to live before God. 

1. God’s will is to suffer for doing good. 14-17

    · Do not be afraid of suffering for the sake of righteousness.14

    · Sanctify the Lord Christ in heart.15

    · Keep a good conscience.16

    · Be willing to keep doing God’s will.17

2. Christ’s suffering for saving sinners.18-22

· Righteous suffered for the unrighteous sinners that He might bring us to God.18

· Though he died in the flesh, he was made alive by the Spirit.18

· Christ is at the right hand of God/all is made subject to Him.19-22


   · Asking the wise of heart will receive commants/the one who is on the path of life follows Lord’s instruction. Proverbs 10:8,17

  · Teach us to number our days when we may get a heart of wisdom/Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love for keeping your commandments, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Ps 90:12,14

(Bible in One Year:Jeremiah 18-21)



【前言】这些日子以來,主所爱的穆斯林姐妹与三位危重者紧急呼求,我們得賜恩言。带来莫大安慰的圣诗《永远的爱已爱我》出自经文(耶31:3)。的確,吾人每日凌晨祷读,得主灵粮,解我灵饥渴。我们急難中呼求,同得主爱保抱到年老髮白。主的话天天光照洁净医治我们,主的恩典每天夠我們用。赛46:3-4, 林后12:9









·见证人如云围绕,同享基督之爱。来Heb 2:1


2023年8月25日 读经为舍己听神言 

雅1:23-25; 路9:23;太7:1;赛58:9; 徒17:11; 约8:32;赛55:11

  1. 听道不行道,像人对镜看己本来面目。23


·用神言於己身;不論斷人不违主训。太Matt 7:1;賽Is 58:9

  2. 看见走后,随即忘我本相。24


  3. 惟有详细察看那全备,使人自由之律法的,且时常如此,这人既不是听了就忘,乃是实在行出来,就在他所行的事上必得福。25

·详细察看:专心查经俯身查看。徒 17:11


·使人自由之律法:不捆绑人,反因真理得自由以服事。 约 8:32


(每年一遍: 哀1-2)

2023年8月24 日新生命本质是爱  

彼前1:22-23; 林后10:5; 路1:46; 西3:15; 太15:18; 路6:45; 约3:18; 太4:4;24:35;赛40:8.




·让基督的平安作主掌管我。西 3:15



·善人心里所存的善就发出善; 恶人从心里所存的恶就发出恶; 因心里充满的, 口里就说出来。路6:45

  3. 顺服神的爱:从亲爱到圣爱;真心无虚假的热爱。


你们蒙了重生,不是由于能坏的种子,乃是由于不能坏的种子,是借着神活泼常存的道。  彼前1:23

1.神的话使我们得重生,且维系我们的生命;人活着,不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切话。太 4:4

2.神的道是活泼的,是有功效的,比一切两刃的剑更快,能显明并分辨一切。来 4:12


(每年一遍 Bible in One Year:耶Jeremiah 51-52)



1.二位先知耶利米和以西结,无论多艰难都胜过了,我们也能,因神同在,赐神言为灵粮. 耶15:15-16


· 耶和华万军之神啊,我得着你的言语,就当食物吃了,你的言语是我心中的欢喜快乐,因我是称为你名下的人。16






2023年8月17日 照圣言祷告 


  1. 照祂荣耀的权能,得以在各样的力上加力,好叫我们凡事欢欢喜喜地忍耐宽容。




  2. 又感谢父,叫我们能与众圣徒在光明中同得基业、祂救我们脱离黑暗权势,把我们迁入祂爱子的光明国度。12-13




·与众圣徒同蒙恩惠,学会同工同作仆人。西1:7; 4:7  .

  3. 照以上经节祷告


· 喜乐的心乃是良药,忧伤的灵使骨枯干。箴17:22






·求明白神旨意/不作胡涂人,神喜悦我们明白祂旨意。弗 5:17





2. 好叫我们行事为人对得起主,凡事蒙祂喜悦/在一切善事上结果子,渐渐地多知道神。10,加5:22-23








可12:30-31;罗12:9-21,13:8;约一3:18;太19:7; 弗2:3;5:1; 1 5:16-18



  2.与肢体之间彼此相爱。 罗12:9-21

·爱人不可虚假;恶要厌恶,善要亲近/不只在言语,总在行为诚实上,只有神是善的,要圣洁效法神、凭爱心行事。9, 约一 3:18,太 19:7; 弗 5:1

·爱弟兄,要彼此亲热;恭敬人,要彼此推让,从心里看人比己强,看别人重要。10; 弗2:3


·在指望中要喜乐,在患难中要忍耐,祷告要恒切/常常喜乐,不住禱告,凡事謝恩。12, 帖前5:16-18


·超越: 逼迫你的,要祝福/愿他得永生在主里。14

·同感: 与喜乐的同乐。15

·谦卑: 彼此同心,不志气高大。16

·容让: 不以恶报恶,美事留心作。17


2023年8月14 日活在神前  













·求主赐智慧的心领受诫命,谨守主训在生命道上。箴 10:8,17









今年年初,潘儒達牧師主日講道提到《讀經的藝術:瞭解聖經指南How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth》,引起我求一萍師母。她即借書郵來,並附親筆信。聖靈提醒吾師誠懇勉勵之心,不敢懈怠,日讀5頁隨筆摘記,仍感虧欠,故寫此評,銘感作者及譯者、我們的牧師教師,願有心讀者發掘聖經珍貴的全部價值。

本書出於二位資深聖經學者,教授兼牧師,戈登.費依(Gordon D. Fee, 1934–2022)和道格樂思.史督華(Douglas Stewart,1943– );前者為加拿大維真神學院(Regent College) 新約教授,後者為美國康威爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)舊約教授;他們曾分別完成由威斯敏斯特 (Westminster Press)出版、廣受歡迎的解經手冊:《新約解經手冊New Testament Exegesis》和《舊約解經手冊Old Testament Exegesis》 。因此,他們攜手合作此書,可視為研經最佳參考。至於二位譯者:魏啟源和饒孝榛夫婦,都是台北中華福音神學院校友兼教授,譯筆流暢;並且,魏啟源主修新約由戈登.費依親自教授,自是譯者最佳人選。總之,在出版的眾多解經書中,像他們這樣嚴肅的聖經學者所著的讀經指南,極少而難找。



  1. 瀏覽內容提綱便知,這本書關注構成聖經的各種文體類型及其獨特處。就如研讀詩篇是研讀詩,研讀書信是研讀信。
  2. 他們反覆說明各類型的閱讀原則,同樣智慧地讀出其差別和難點,特別是對於非敘述性經文。
  3. 每章針對不同類型的釋經難點,都提供實例,進行分析。兩位教授都是信徒,注重順服聖經,謹慎而充分地理解。
  4. 作為教授聖經的學者兼講道牧師,因著解經緊迫性催生了此書。他們寫作特別對有應用問題的信徒有幫助,今世教會的緊急問題基本上是釋經和應用上的間隔,需要搭座橋樑,從聖經原文古時的情境,跨越到現代,今日對我們現實生活的意義。


1.  作者意圖提供學生必備基本概念和基礎知識。解釋聖經的必要和基本技能,介紹並比較譯本的差異和選擇。這是頭二章內容。

2.  作者用十章篇幅(3-13章),討論各類文學類型。根據個人專長,費教授寫第1-4,6-8,和13章,史教授寫第5,9-12章。他們都對對方篇章做出相當的貢獻。

3.  他們認為秘訣在於對每種類型提出正確問題,並注意作者在各章中所提供的原則、建議、和幫助。

4.  作為他們對學生的期望,引用奧古斯丁悔改時的一句童言,以資勉勵:拿起來讀(“Tolle, lege”)。聖經是神長存永活之言,所以,我們要研讀,理解、並順從聖經。




















          附錄: 註釋書的評估與使用



這本少見暢銷解經書,已發行40多年。所評聖經導讀:解經原則(第三版,1981)(簡體),及原著 How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth(4th Edition,2013)。它概述聖經各書卷的主要文體類型,並闡述不同類型的解經原則及應用。比如詩不同於散文,比喻不同於歷史。即使同為福音書,對同一事件如了解不同敘述,如何了解更得當。每章都提供實例分析,幫助讀者切實學會解讀聖經。附錄《註釋書的評估與使用》有助得到相應書卷的主要註釋書。筆者願將這少有的佳作薦與讀者。一讀就因其實用價值,購來原著(第四版,2013)對照讀340頁,摘錄50頁。開始欣賞新法研讀,更深入去明白神的話,更多享受神的話中的愛,更認識主,來敬拜服事愛我們的主和主所愛的人。

作為一個認真的讀者和實行者,我感覺本書解明應用的難點略顯不足,然而相當重要,體恤到作者年事已高,未得機會進一步解釋,用意猶有未盡之處:莫作教義代十架福音的部分。比如: 詩篇,箴言,傳道書,以及雅歌等經文,不適合用作福音教義。他們或許意識到,未得機會進一步闡述,如前在第三版序言提及,有過經文濫用,但不如強調怎樣讀好聖經。






我同意書評作者對聖經譯本和書的版本的觀點。本書原著初版於1981,再版1993,三版2003,四版2014。台灣華神1999年出版的《讀經的藝術》基於二版。上海人民出版社在2011年出版基於第三版的更新譯本《聖經導讀:解經原則》,在魏啓源、饒孝榛兩位譯者之後增加了第三位譯者王愛玲。第四版的英文前言中說,從2003到2014 短短10多年之間,不僅書中不少參考書需要更新,也結合了新的新國際英語譯本(NIV 2011),並強調讀經像讀書,不注重標出的數字章節,而是鼓勵讀者將一部書一氣呵成讀完。因為作者也是NIV各譯本的主要編輯,所以他們把《讀經的藝術》的原則也用聖經譯本翻譯過程中。



Read the Bible to Cherish Its Whole Value

—Reflecting  “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth”

Anna Zhou

It originated from the Sunday Sermon of January 9, 2023. Rev. Juta Pan mentioned the Bible study reference: How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by G. D. Fee and D Stewart (“How to”).  His sermon provoked me to ask Mrs. Irene Chang for help. She borrowed the book from the church library and mailed it with a hand-written letter.  The Spirit’s reminder of my teacher’s encouragement in sincerity had been with me every so often, so I would not dare to be lazy. I read about 5 pages per day with notes after my daily Quiet Time. As I finished its 300+ pages, yet still felt in debt. Thus, I have decided to write this short review to express thanks to its authors and translator, our pastor and teacher, wishing to share the book with readers for them to discover the treasure, seeking the scripture for all its worth.

The book “How to” was authored by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stewart. Both are well-known senior Bible scholars, professors and pastors. Gordon D. Fee New Testament Professor of Regent College, Canada. His publications: Old Testament Exegesis: A Primer for Students; New Testament A Handbook for Students and Pastors;  Chief Editor: New International Commentary On the New Testament; Paul’s Letter to the Philippians (NICNT);1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (NIBC).

Co-author: Douglas Stewart, Old Testament Professor of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. His publications: Old Testament Exegesis: A Primer for Students, Hosea-Jonah Word Biblical Commentary, Word Biblical Themes Hosea-Jonah, Ezekiel. Communicator’s Commentary, A Guide to Selecting and Using Bible Commentaries.


The two authors wrote two widely accepted Bible manuals “New Testament Exegesis” and “Old Testament Exegesis published by Westminster Press”. They co-authored this book and it should be regarded as the most valuable reference for Bible study. Two translators Wei and Rao are fluent writers. The former was once the author’s student majoring in New Testament study, so would be the choice of the translator.  Among numerous published Bible literature, one could hardly find some good ones authored by serious Bible scholars like them.

The authors intended the book “How to” to feature four aspects:

  1. As one may note from a glance at the table of contents, the basic concern of this book is the understanding of different types of the literature (genre) that make up the Bible. It is to help the readers read and study the Psalms as poems, and the Epistles as letters.
  2. They have repeatedly given guidelines for studying each type (genre) of Scripture.  They are equally concerned with the intelligent reading of the Scripture to help the readers appreciate these differences so that they can aid intelligently and profitably the non-narrative parts of the Bible.
  1. Each chapter gives examples for analysis on the tough points, according to respective literature types. The two professors are believers, who think we should obey the biblical texts and have great desire to understand as carefully and as fully as possible what it is that we are to know about God and his will in the 21st century.
  2. The great urgency that gave birth to this book is hermeneutics; they wrote especially to help believers wrestle with questions of applications.  Many of the urgent problems in the church today are basically struggles with bridging the hermeneutical gap with moving from “then and there” of the original text to the “here and now of our own life settings”.

The content of this book contain three parts:

  1. The authors intended to provide students with basic concepts and knowledge of hermeneutics with necessary and basic skill sets to interpret the Bible, with introduction and comparison of different translation versions. These are the contents of the first two chapters.  
  2. They used the next ten chapters, Ch. 3 to 10, to discuss individual literature types of the scripture. Based on their respective expertise, Gordon Fee wrote the Chapters 1-4, 6-8, and 13. Douglas Stewart the Chapters 5, 9-12.
  3. They thought the secret is to raise the correct questions, according to each literature type, paying attention to the principles, suggestions and helping points, provided by the authors in individual chapters.

For their encouragement to students, they quoted the words of the child that moved Augustine to read a passage from Romans at his conversion experience, they say, “Tolle, lege”, i.e  “Take up and read.” The Bible is God’s eternal living Word. Read it, understand it, and obey it.

Its content structure contains three parts:

Part I. Introduction: Explain the importance of the exegesis and the hermeneutics. And, generally introduce some key concepts.  These two chapters are preparing basic concepts and essential tool boxes.

Ch.1. Introduction: The Need to Interpret the Scripture
Ch. 2. The Basic Tool: A Good Translation

Part II. On Choosing A Translation: Discussions to help students choose a translation, and the authors gave their suggestion that the current NIV (2011), a committee translation by the best scholarship in the evangelical tradition is as good a translation as you can get.  Reflected in the third preface, they felt other chapters needed some overhaul as well. This reflected their own growth and what they perceived to be a change in the climate and makeup of the readership over the past two decades. They were humbled about their background where poor interpretation of Scripture was unfortunately a frequent phenomenon. That caused them in some chapters to lean heavily toward how NOT to read certain genres. Their sense is that many of today’s readership know less about these poor ways of “doing Bible”, in part because we are also going through a period where we find a frighteningly large number of people who, by and large, are biblically illiterate. So in some chapters , they changed decidedly toward how to read well, with less emphasis on the ways texts were abused in the past.

Part III. Introduction: The Principles of Interpreting the Scripture, according to its Literature Type. In Part III much time was spent to take study notes of individual scripture examples, needed in detail, in the past several months. Briefly, it divided in 10 sections:

  1. The Epistles (Ch.3,4): Learning to Think Contextually;The Hermeneutical Questions
  2. The Old Testament Narratives: Their Proper Use
  3. Acts (Ch.6) : The Question of Historical Precedent
  4. The Gospels (Ch.7): A Story Many Dimensions
  5. The Parables (Ch.8): Do you Get the Point
  6. The Laws (Ch.9): Covenant Stipulations for Israel
  7. The Prophets (Ch.10): Enforcing the Covenant in Israel
  8. Psalms (Ch.11): Israel’s Prayer and Ours
  9. Wisdom (Ch.12): Then and Now
  10. Revelation (Ch.13): Images of Judgment and Hope

Appendix: The Evaluation and Use of Commentaries

Scripture Index and Names Index


This book “How to” the Bible reading guide is among the best sellers for over four decades. It outlines different types of literature. It explained individual type’s interpreting principles and applications.  Poetry reading differs from prose. Even reading the Book of Gospel, how we should properly understand the same story in some different narrative. Each chapter provided a real example’s analysis, to help readers to really learn how to interpret the Scripture, Appendix: The Evaluation and Use of Commentaries helps to get the important reference for each Bible volume. I am eager to recommend this outstanding book to readers. Once I read the first few pages, I ordered its original English version, the 4th edition published in 2013. The 4th edition has sold out nearly a million copies since.  I completed reading it with 50-page notes in a few months. I really enjoy studying the Bible with new ways to go deeper in understanding God’s Word in love, for knowing Him better to worship and serve our Lord and His beloved.

As a serious reader and practitioner, I felt that the book explains difficult points somewhat insufficiently but rather significantly. Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon-these books may not be used as gospel doctrine, as the scripture abuse was mentioned in the 3rd preface. I realized that the authors had sensed that and but not yet got the chance to elaborate, considering his senior age with extremely heavy responsibilities. 

Finally, please allow me to end this book review with Gordon Fee’s writing. As a New Testament scholar on fire, he believed Scripture was an encounter with God. He wrote, “We bring our exegesis to fruition when we ourselves sit with unspeakable wonder in the presence of God, we must hear the words with our hearts, we must bask in God’s own glory, we must be moved to a sense of overwhelming awe at God’s riches in glory, we must think again on the incredible wonder that these riches are ours in Christ Jesus, and we must then worship the living God by singing praises to His glory.” 

Reader Response: “How to Read the Bible” Is An Excellent Bible Reading Companion (Lance Pan)

“How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth” impacted my understanding of the Bible beyond description. For example, in Chapter 9 the authors offer a 12-point summary of the dos and don’ts when Christians seek to understand the Old Testament law. These practical principles help us ward off legalism stemming from erroneous applications of Scriptures, and let us realize that through the Holy Spirit we are adopted to sonship in God’s family, and not as slaves living in fear (Romans 8:15).

 I agree with the reviewer’s views on Bible translations and the book’s editions. The first edition of the book was published in 1981, republished in 1993, the third in 2003, and fourth in 2014. 讀經的藝術, published by CES in 1999, was based on the second edition. In 2011, Shanghai People’s Publishing House published an updated translation titled 聖經導讀:解經原則 based on the third edition and adding a third translator, Wang Ailing, after the two translators Wei Qiyuan and Rao Xiaozhen. The preface to the fourth edition (English) states that in just over 10 years from 2003 to 2014, in addition to an updated bibliography, it incorporated the new International Version 2011 English Translation of the Bible. The authors stress their preference for reading the Bible like any other book, which is to ignore chapter and verse references and read through a whole book in one setting. As a member of the translation committee for NIV, Professor Fee incorporated some of the principles from How to Read the Bible in his translation process.

I find it appropriate to refer to the book as a “Bible Reading Guide” or a “Bible Reading Companion.” Biblical Interpretation of Biblical Exegesis sounds out of reach for ordinary readers. Although in a broad sense it is closer to the realm of hermeneutics (what the text means to the contemporary reader) rather than exegesis (the text’s original meaning), calling it a work of hermeneutics may also create an impression that it is a tool only for theologians and preachers, not lay believers. Since its greatest contribution lies in its plain language explanations of hard-to-understand concepts, calling it a reading guide or companion seems to be more in line with the authors’ original intent.

 A complete course material on “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth” is available online. Many churches use it as a Sunday school textbook in introductory Bible teaching classes. May the Lord use it to equip CBCGB members, so that we may understand how God conveys His unchanging message of truth and love to the changing world.